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OSJ (Worldwide)
Positions in OSJ (Worldwide):
There is very strong interest in the work of OSJ (UK) and we are looking to establish a presence beyond the UK and have already established a presence in other countries worldwide.
We are particularly interested in making links with all similarly orthodox Christian communities but we welcome contact with all those who share or might share our vision. If you have an interest or wish to make enquiries then please do contact us.
Requirements for National Directors and other senior posts OSJ (Worldwide):
Applicants for any senior position or National Director's post, must be traditionally ordained (by the laying on of hands) unless local conditions make this unrealistic, practicing Christians with existing and active ministry, permanently resident in that country/state, and pro-actively support the general theological principles and Rule of the Order of St James.
These are voluntary/unpaid posts and are subject to satisfactory checks and confirmations of fact being successfully completed. Criminal background checks are mandatory, and valid references and testimonials in support of the application will be required. These posts are self-funded and do not receive external financial support. We know it's a big ask but the rewards are manifold.
The scriptural principle we work by is, 'of whom much is given, much is expected'. Please be aware that we have high standards and great expectations of our senior posts.
Future developments:
Updated indications from our web site statistics show that there are high numbers of visitors from the USA, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, China, Canada, as well as from members countries of the European Community and the former USSR/Russian Federation. With over 5.5 million verified visits recorded from over 227 countries, the figures indicate there are many opportunities and possibilities given this interest in OSJ's work.
For those who want to develop this further, OSJ (Worldwide) provinces and jurisdictions can be created in any country which does not already have an OSJ presence providing there is sufficient local support and a genuine need.
Duplication of ministry inevitably leads to division and a less productive use of both people and resources.
Put simply, we don't need to be where we don't need to be, especially if local churches or Christian communities already have things covered.
Mission Summary:
Just as exemplified in the Epistle of St James, OSJ seeks to recognise, nurture and enable effective everyday Christian ministry (responses to need that translate faith into action) in the community from within that community itself. It is 'wholly inclusive', with every member having their own special and unique part to play.
We wish to ensure ministry is made possible, everyone included, none excluded.
Ministry is for the benefit of the whole community rather than small selective parts of it. This approach is what makes OSJ very different and it's why we choose to remain 'an Order', rather than become 'a church' even though we fulfil many of its functions and purposes. We would rather be part of the solution than become part of the problem.
Our position gives us much greater access, scope and opportunity for genuinely open Christian ministry that is often missed, limited, denied or 'inappropriated' by 'the church'.
The fact is, individuals minister, not institutions. 'The church' may try to encourage and guide individuals and their ministries, but it certainly does not 'own' them or have 'spiritual authority' over them**. That remit is God's and God's alone.
Our hope is that local Christian communities will come to find their own independent understanding and expression of genuinely open and inclusive community ministry driven by a dynamic, focussed and resilient faith in Christ. One where every individual feels as if they have something of personal worth to contribute, where they feel involved, valued, appreciated, fulfilled and have a genuine sense of belonging and ownership.
Please e-mail if you need further information, have queries or questions, or would like to run ideas past us regarding ministry in your community.
** See Mark 9, v 38-40 and 1 Corinthians 12, v 4

Ministry is an invitation to get to know God,
our neighbours and ourselves a little better.

Let’s Work Together
Please do get in touch so we can discover ways we can support one another.